Attendance Policy
Aims and Objectives – Our policy aims to:
- Emphasize the importance of coming regularly to school on time and inculcate among students habits of punctuality and discipline.
- Make the students recognize the link between their attendance and their full potential achievement.
- Reinforce the notion that the parents are responsible for the regular attendance of their child.
- Stress the need for home and school to work in partnership to achieve high attendance.
- Make explicit to all (students, parents/guardians, and teachers) the school’s expectations on attendance levels and support strategies to help students maximise their attendance.
- The school sees 98% attendance as the minimum expectation for all students and strives for all students to attend more than it.
Arrival and Dispersal
Daily Timings:
All students should be in school by 7.45 am.
7:55 am- Prayer Time / Assembly
1:50 pm—Grades—Nursery – IV –Dispersal Junior Wing
2:00pm—-Grades– V – X —Dispersal Senior Wing
Procedures and Practices
- Expected attendance in the School is six days a week from Monday to Saturday (Except last Saturday of the month).
- Students are required to be on time for the Homeroom (Class teacher’s) period which starts at 7:50 am.
- If a student is late or absent, parents must notify either by emailing to the class teacher on school’s email id or by calling at the school office number.
- If the student has not reported to the class due to involvement in the school activity, then the child will be considered to be on duty and will be awarded the attendance for the day. (Please note that official confirmation will be done from the school records)
- School will contact the parent/guardian by telephone or email on the first day of absence if no notification is received.
- Kindly notify the class teacher in advance advising, if you intend for your child to arrive late or leave early on any day.
Late to school
- School begins at 7:50 am. Students arriving after 7:50 am are late for school.
- Students who arrive late will be required to sign in the late register, which is kept with the guard.
- If a bus arrives late, students will not be marked late.
- A student who is chronically late will be referred to the main office and will be issued a Late Slip.
- It is particularly damaging to a child’s academic and social progress and for this reason it will be treated very seriously by the school. Three Late recordings in a month will result in a follow up with the Parent by the concerned Supervisor to urge punctuality.
Unexcused Absence
Unexcused Absence is when there has been no communication from a parent about an absence or if the absence is for two or more days and a doctor’s note has not been received. Teachers will keep hardcopy of all registers/ applications with accurate daily information.
Persistent Absenteeism:
A student becomes a ‘persistent absentee’ when their attendance record is a cause for concern. Absence at this level is doing considerable damage to the child’s educational prospects and we need parents’ fullest support and co-operation to tackle this.
Early Dispersal from the school
- In case a parent wants to take his/her child before the regular dispersal time, they must come in person to collect the ward from the school.
- Parents will have to bring a written application requesting the school to allow their ward to leave early. The application also can be given to the class teacher in the morning so that she can verify the cause with the parents. Once the class teacher is satisfied with the cause of early dispersal she has to get the application approved by Coordinator/ HM. No child will be allowed to leave the school premises without this procedure.
Please note: School cannot allow any student to leave the building on his own during the school hours, no matter the age of the student.
Important Links
Contact Details
Call Us-
+91-0120-4101332 (Sr. Wing)
+91-0120-4982818 (Jr. Wing)
Mail Us-
D- 55 Bishanpura, Sector 58,
Noida, U.P- 201307